Planning for Retirement (Part 2)

Other than financial planning, there is the emotional readiness. Through our lives, we pass through different stages, from childhood to puberty to adulthood to maturity, you got the idea. Each stage has its own psychological “burdens”. If you are not emotionally fully prepared and have a realistic picture you might run into a very unpleasant experience. Before retirement you might be dreaming of the day you retire. You will enjoy a week or two of just being lazy doing nothing. Then you start feeling the emptiness in your life. Everyone around you is busy. No one has time for you. Even being with your partner or significant one 24/7 might not seem as enjoyable as you thought.


At this stage in your life you have two choices; to make lemonade from lemon and plan to grow, stay on purpose and make connections with your community making something useful that will benefit others or die before you are dead. It is your choice, your call.

Published by

Salah Farag

Life coach and healer. If you think miracles do not happen, think again. I have seen a lot of miracles in my life and others too.

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