Getting out of my comfort zone

In my life, I took many risks, and pushed my limits. I have travelled to many places, moved and lived in beautiful cities that required me to start from scratch every time, ventured in some business ideas few times (that made me some money, but did not make me a millionaire), etc.


During the past few years, as I have explained in the past few posts, things started to change. I have noticed that I am being more inclined to “play it safe”. I felt the need to start pushing my limits to get out of my comfort zone.


While I completely understand that in this stage of my life I cannot start from scratch in a new country, or “jumping into” into a totally new business idea without any feasibility study and knowing the pros and cons of the idea and the risk factor involved. I have decided to take small actions to get me out of my comfort zone. I will be posting my progress in this project with pictures.


Comfort zone according to Cambridge dictionary is: a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested: Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.


There are a lot of benefits that you can reap pushing your limits. Taking some risk (here I am talking about calculated risk and not being reckless or stupid) helps to build self-confidence, doing something without being afraid to be judged by others. It can help you conquer your fears and phobias. It helps you accept and embrace risk regardless of the result, whether you succeed or fail, or in other words to be detached from the outcome. You just live the moment end enjoy the experience. Taking risk can be a great learning experience.

Published by

Salah Farag

Life coach and healer. If you think miracles do not happen, think again. I have seen a lot of miracles in my life and others too.

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