How I lost 40 pounds (18 kgs) in 6 months

During my last visit to my doctor she advised me that losing weight can be challenging if you have stress in your life. The body is on survival mode, so it holds to its weight as a self-protection mechanism, she explained. She referred me to a dietician, but in the same time there is a long waiting list that might run to few months.

Despite the stressful situation, I was determined to lose weight. In fact, one of my 2019 resolutions is to lose 20 kg. A friend of mine connected me to dietician. She was kind to send me the form I am posting here. Basically, I have to write down anything that I eat or drink throughout the day. When I advised that my only way for to me to lose weight is starvation diet. She advised me to eat six meals distributed through the day. Three main meals; breakfast, lunch and dinner and three snacks in between meals.

I started weighing everything I eat using a kitchen scale, and writing down the volumes of anything I drink.

It is just by being conscious of the amount of food I eat, I was able to lose an average of about 7 pounds (3 kgs.) a month. Eventually, I did not have to see her. The best part is that I could eat anything, as long as I eat a balanced meal that includes salad, carbohydrates and protein. Most importantly is to monitor the portion that I consumed in every meal. Snacks can include fruits, small desert or even a piece of chocolate (about 25 gm per snack). I found it very hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but I did my best to keep my body hydrated.

If you are struggling with your weight, I hope I could inspire you to take your first step and lose the extra weight you carry. Like anything in this life, it takes lots of determination, focus and time. The most important piece of advice is to consult with your doctor before you go on a similar or different diet.