Dating after 40

Dating can be very challenging for ladies and men over 40.  Usually men and women in this age bracket, had a long-term relationship that has been terminated for one reason or another. Going back into the dating game is not easy for several reasons. You are not as attractive as before (or that what you might think), fear of rejection, the rules of the game have changed, lack of time and so on.

Consider this before going into the dating game: do not rush into a new relationship if you are freshly out of one. Remember the wound is still fresh and you need some time to heal. In other words; never act from a space of desperation, just take your time.

Be prepared and inspired:

  • Love yourself.
  • Set your intention: This will help answer few questions like, why am I dating now, do I need casual or long term relationships, what kind of person I want to attract into my life, would I accept that my new partner has kids already and so on.
  • Think abundance: There are so many single women/men around. Among this very large pool; there is someone that perfectly matches me.
  • Be open and flexible: In the same time do not settle for what you do not want. Learn how to say no.
  • Be at peace with rejection: It is your right to decide that the other person is not suitable for you. So, understand that the same applies to the other side too. Most importantly do not get discouraged, keep going.


Where do I look for my new partner?

  • Singles bars might be a good place to start. You can also meet great people in social clubs and events, theatres, movie houses among others.
  • Spread the word and inform family members and friends that you are available and looking.
  • Be active and take part in social events.
  • Consider online dating.

I have a date; where to go from there:

  • Be an active listener, and look for body language.
  • Be honest to yourself and fair to the other party. Do not compare between her/him and your ex.
  • Take your time knowing each other.